Friday, November 14, 2008

Fantastic Fête: Signature Magazine Launch Party

Last night, I was kindly invited to the Signature magazine launch soiree, and invited Mandy of Zippercut ( along as my fellow partner in crime.

We ponied up to the venue, searching for the "free valet" they had touted on their invite, found nothing, rounded the block a few times, and found one lonely valet man in an alleyway across the street from the venue waving a flashlight. SIGNS, people. Let's use SIGNS to tell us where to park, please!

After that bit of confusion, it was on to the party, cleverly hosted inside Interior Illusions (8448 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood)... a furniture store! The decor was great, and with lots of plush beds to lay about, the crowd warmed up to the idea of sprawling on them as the the night got longer and the drinks got stronger. I love a party where one can playfully muss up a bedspread with their pals and have it be entirely non-sexual.

Grabbed a copy of Signature magazine and was pleased with the contents- focuses on the "high end" Los Angeles scene, so there was lots of coverage of LA fashion week, a feature on Kobe Bryant, a posh editorial spread by photographer Matthew Mitchell, and interviews with a slew of philanthropical Angelenos, which was my fave part of the magazine. Too often does the world of glamour forget about our duty to volunteer and work for a real cause... not just your OWN cause...! Kudos to Signature.

You can snap up Signature on stands asap! Or, order a year long subscription for just $10! (whaaat?)

Great party with fabulously dressed people, and some peeps from The OC that I didn't recognize. Drat! Must get on that "popular TV" wagon sometime this year...!

We met some fabulously unique people this night, so hello there to wicked fantastically dressed Grady Cooley, the feathery and beautiful Ms. Drew Bird, the blonde bombshell herself Katt Lee, and the photogs at (check out their site in a few for photos from the night!)! Hope to see you all again soon!

Mandy of Zippercut looking bashful

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